“Klops” – the heavenly one-eyed meatball

What can I say about this delicacy? 

It’s light yet filling, it’s beautiful to look at and it’s the easiest thing to make. 

Savta Yardena used to make it as a long, oval shaped meatloaf and hid hard boiled eggs in it. When the meatloaf was sliced, the slices were decorated with the egg's white and yellow. 

I decided to make individual meatloaf, so each person will experience the joy of a full egg :)

1 lb. ground turkey (or ground beef)

7 hard boiled eggs

1 chopped onion

1/2 cup chopped parsley

3 Tsp crushed tomatoes

Salt and pepper

1. Add olive oil to a skillet and cook the onions until golden-brown.

2. In a bowl- combine the turkey, parsley, salt and pepper, crushed tomatoes and the cooked onions and mix well.

3. Cover each hard-boiled egg with a thin layer of the turkey mix, while tightening it well around it.

4. Place in an oiled pan (the balls may touch each other, they don’t stick together)

5. Bake in a 350 degrees for an hour and 15 minutes, or until brown. Make sure to turn the balls half way through the cooking time to brown both sides evenly.


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