Beef stew- olive style

The secret to the success of this dish is the cooking time. The more- the better and the end product will melt in your mouth. Literally.

Nice piece of beef- Chuck  (Angus or not) or bottom round roast
Most importantly, it has to have fat on it.

3-4 medium sized onions 

1/2 cup of Spanish olives

4-5 cloves of garlic- chopped

4 Tsp. of olive oil

Salt and pepper

1. Choose a covered pan wide enough to fit the entire piece of beef with extra space.

2. Saute the onions in olive oil until they turn transparent.

3. Add the beef and cook on both sides. Each side for 5-7 minutes. (that will cause the meat to shrink and "close", capturing its juices inside)

4. Add water to cover the beef and bring to a boil. Lower the heat and 
cook for 40 minutes or until the liquids are low.

5. Turn beef to the other side, add water to cover it all, and cook for 40 minutes.

6. Continue cooking the beef, keeping the liquids up to half its height, turning it every half an hour. You will notice that two hours after you started cooking it, the beef got softer and the liquids turned into a sauce as the onions completely caramelized.

7. Add the garlic and olives. Continue to cook and turn the beef every half hour.

8. After 3- 3 1/2 hours you'll notice that the beef is very soft and pulls apart- that will be the time to cook for additional 1/2 an hour and it's done.

9. Turn the heat off and let cool for 1/2 an hour. Only then taste and add salt and pepper. The olives will salt the beef and only minor adjustments will be needed to the taste.



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